centennial shougang seeks to realize its dreams and keep its basic industries evergreen -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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centennial shougang seeks to realize its dreams and keep its basic industries evergreen

release time:2019-10-09 09:56:46

founded in 1919, shougang marks the centenary of its establishment, which coincides with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china. 

a great deal of water has flowed under the bridge over the past 100 years, a century of glory when shougang has gained in strength, honoring its inherent spirit and forging ahead with its ambitious plans. over the course of this long historical period, it has stuck to its original intentions and pursued its aims with hopes for a better future. at the moment it resonates with the times and keeps up with the development of the country and the nation, participating in and witnessing the historical leap of china’s iron and steel industry. the people at shougang saved and rejuvenated their country through industrial production, leading the world in the iron and steel industry. they have become rich and strong by dint of a self-sacrificing spirit.  

history cannot be forgotten. turn back the pages of history and say goodbye to the singing rings of the years. there is always a feeling letting people surge; there is always a force letting people boil with indignation; there is always a hope and dream letting people have unlimited expectations, unlimited yearnings. here, it sounded the first clarion call of saving and rejuvenating the country through industrial production in the modern era.

the first technological revolution in the development of china’s iron and steel industry was initiated, and the first modern blast furnace of the people's republic of china and its first oxygen blowing converter with high efficiency were developed.

shougang people took the lead in exploring the reform of state-owned enterprises, taking one initiative after another and leading the global trend. a comprehensive large-scale enterprise with cross-industry, cross-region, cross-ownership and transnational operation has risen abruptly and become a banner of china’s industrial reform and opening-up.

they created the great miracle of rebirth and amazing leap “from mountain to sea, from fire to ice” in the world history of iron and steel industry. the magnificent picture of harmonious co-existence between metallurgical industry and olympic games, between industry and urban community, has become a new model and a new benchmark for enterprise transformation and urban renewal in the new era.

happiness comes from arduous struggle and beautiful dreams come true by means of hard work. shougang embodies the dreams of the chinese nation. centennial legend is the result of dynamic struggle by the successive generations of shougang people. with the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation, we should have the great ambition that “shougang will always be here” and the strategic determination of “carrying out a blueprint with verve”.

standing at the important node of the 100th anniversary of shougang’s establishment, and looking back on the past, we have gone through mountains and rivers; facing the future, we still need to break through a lot more. guided by xi jinping’s socialist ideology with chinese characteristics in the new era, and inspired by the “chinese dream” of great rejuvenation, we will strive to create a new landmark for the rejuvenation of the capital city in the new era, and upgrade the iron and steel industry, so as to build a comprehensive large-scale enterprise group of worldwide renown. centennial shougang is continuing to write new legends and start a new journey of high-quality development by dint of its strength built over the past 100 years.

it strives to realize its dreams; as a centennial legend, it continues to create brilliance!

self-improving shougang

self-improvement and self-realization are the most essential characteristics of centennial shougang. shougang’s 100-year history is a vivid textbook that refuses to accept defeat, dares to take the lead, strives for the first place, pushes for self-improvement and sustainable development.

the self-improvement of shougang people originates from the adherence to the initial intention and dream of “saving and rejuvenating the country through industrial production” in the past hundred years, from the goal and value navigation led by “the best place” of beijing, and from the mission and power inheritance of “being the front-runner and daring to be the first in the world”.

in order to develop china’s iron and steel industry, the ambitious people are struggling in a self-sacrificing spirit. through a century of self-improvement and development, and in the face of difficulties and setbacks, and pressures and challenges, they have not shunned, retreated or abandoned, instead daring to take the lead and shining its sword, writing a brilliant story of the centennial legend and self-improvement by dint of their courage and wisdom.

looking back on the past hundred years, they now embark on a new journey for the next hundred years. self-improved shougang is always here!

green shougang

“blue seas and green hills constitute the national assets”. green development has been the major key to shougang’s development in the past years.

the development of shougang always goes hand in hand with “green”. its history is a long period for promoting harmonious coexistence between enterprise, nature and green development.

over the past 100 years, shougang has adhered to the goal of harmony and consistency among people, technology and environment, and striven to achieve coordinated and sustainable development between enterprise and society. it has kept the principle of effecting green production and promoting the comprehensive implementation of green upgrading and transformation of the iron and steel industry. its key environmental protection technologies make shougang a leading player in the world. it has conducted the planning and construction of green park on the basis of its low-carbon concept and paid attention to the improvement of the quality of the regional ecological environment to build a beautiful home with the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. it has also made consistent efforts to set up a new industrial structure in the field of urban service with high scientific and technological content, low consumption of resources and less environmental pollution, while speeding up the development of green industries such as energy conservation and environmental protection.

green shougang, beautiful china. centennial shougang has always been the front-runner.

innovative shougang

innovation to overcome key problems and make breakthroughs is the most powerful gene for centennial shougang’s development. its 100-year history is characterized by daring change, brave exploration and remarkable innovation.

in this period shougang people have carried out ideological remoulding, keeping pace with the times and exploring continuously, breaking the outdated conventions, advancing forward with vigour and taking new paths, grasping the pulse of the times and giving new impetus to social development. in the process of carrying forward the shougang spirit of “daring to break through, persevere, and work hard” and “daring to assume, innovate and be the first in the world”, they have achieved rapid progress. by playing the pivotal role in manufacturing and other sectors, innovative shougang has kept perpetual vitality, power and charm.

reform never ceases, and innovation never stops. today shougang holds on to eternal innovation and development!

cultural shougang

cultural accumulation and inheritance are the most precious wealth of centennial shougang’s development. the successive generations of shougang people have stuck to their original intentions and missions, demonstrating their cultural attainments, the spirit of the times and ennobling aim. shougang’s history can be called a cultural epic based on strong roots and firm souls.

over the past 100 years, shougang has kept pace with the progress of the times, carrying forward the spirit of “daring to break through, persevere, and work hard” and “daring to assume, innovate and be the first in the world”. this is how it created an inclusive spirit of vastness and broadness with firm cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence; the ennobling virtues appropriate for the times, responsibility for the future of the country, devotion to society and the world community; an innovative practice of destroying the old and establishing the new, advancing with the times, standing up to the challenges and daring to be the first; the strategic vision of making lasting accomplishments, aiming high, being dedicated and striving for excellence. it thus laid solid foundations for realizing its own dreams.

centennial shougang is sailing in pursuit of its beautiful dreams.

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