activity series to commemorate first anniversary of successful hosting of beijing 2022 winter olympic games held at shougang ice hockey hall -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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activity series to commemorate first anniversary of successful hosting of beijing 2022 winter olympic games held at shougang ice hockey hall

release time:2023-02-07 09:49:55

on the evening of february 4th, the launch ceremony of an activity series to commemorate the first anniversary of the successful hosting of the beijing 2022 winter olympic games was held at the beijing shougang ice hockey hall. it was attended and jointly launched by yin li, secretary of the beijing municipal party committee, gao zhidan, director of the general administration of sport of china and president of the chinese olympic committee, yin yong, deputy secretary of the beijing municipal party committee and mayor of beijing, and wang zhengpu, deputy secretary of the hebei provincial party committee and governor of hebei province. ioc president thomas bach delivered a speech in the form of a video.

in his speech, yin yong said that beijing joined hands with zhangjiakou in hebei to dedicate a simple, safe, wonderful and grand winter olympic games to the world under the strong leadership of the cpc central committee and with the strong support of people of all ethnic groups in china and chinese people at home and abroad, making beijing the first and only city in the world to host both the summer and winter olympic games. in the post-winter olympics era, we resolutely implement the spirit of the important instructions of general secretary xi jinping and strive to promote the effective use of the venues where the winter olympic games were held. the national speed skating stadium and big air shougang have become new urban landmarks that enjoy high popularity among citizens and tourists; we are promoting the vigorous development of winter sports among the people, creating a new fashion in citizens’ sports; we are promoting the excavation and utilization of the cultural resources of the winter olympic games, thereby improving the civilization and quality of people’s lives; and we are raising regional coordination to a new level and rapidly advancing the construction of the beijing-zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt. the heritage of the winter olympic games is being transformed into powerful kinetic energy for promoting the development of the capital in the new era. guided by xi jinping thought on socialism with chinese characteristics for a new era, we will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th national congress of the communist party of china, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the beijing winter olympic games, give full play to the unique advantages of the "dual olympic city", persist in openness and innovation, deepen international exchanges and cooperation, vigorously promote the development of the capital in the new era and strive to build a world-class harmonious and livable capital.

in his speech, thomas bach said that it is exciting to see the same levels of enthusiasm shown by the chinese people for the olympic games now as a year ago. the inspired winter olympic athletes worked hard and their feats moved countless spectators. the beijing winter olympic games was extraordinarily wonderful and achieved the highest digital participation degree in olympic history, while beijing also became the first "dual olympic city" in the history of the games as the first city to host both the summer and winter olympics. driven by the enthusiasm of "300 million people engaging in ice and snow sports", the beijing winter olympic games opened a new era of ice and snow sports in the world.

at present, winter olympic heritage has begun to benefit the people. both open olympic venues and new benchmarks in fields such as green science and technology innovation, popularization of healthy lifestyles and development of the ice and snow industry are laying the foundations for future development. thanks to everyone's hard work and selfless dedication, just like the olympic athletes, chinese olympic people have best interpreted the new olympic motto, "faster, higher, stronger - together".

themed "extraordinary road of the winter olympic games towards the future together", an activity series to mark the first anniversary will be held in three competition areas in beijing and zhangjiakou from february to march of this year, including the themed exhibition "brilliant winter olympic games", mass ice and snow sports carnival, grand market of olympic culture, activities to commemorate the first anniversary of the successful holding of the beijing winter paralympic games, and "ice and snow towards the future" olympic education activities for primary and secondary school students at beijing winter olympic games venues. at the launch ceremony, we emotionally reviewed unforgettable preparation and hosting moments in video clips, visual displays, songs, interviews with olympic people and champions, etc., profoundly interpreted the spirit of the beijing winter olympic games and looked forward to the bright future of the "dual olympic city". the new logo of the beijing olympic museum was also unveiled.

the launch ceremony was attended by leaders including mo gaoyi, xia linmao, zhao lei, zhang jiandong, sima hong, zhang jiaming, yang shuan, yan pengcheng, yu zaiqing, han zirong, liu jingmin and jiang xiaoyu, representatives of the embassies of relevant countries in china, representatives of the champions, staff, volunteers, venue teams and sponsors of the beijing winter olympic games, and representatives from olympic homes and all walks of life. the ceremony was also attended by shougang leaders zhang gongyan, zhao minge and liang jie.

on february 1st, as an important part of this activity series, the beijing organizing committee for the 2022 olympic and paralympic winter games commissioned the beijing olympic city development association to release the beijing 2022 olympic and paralympic winter games heritage report (post-competition) and beijing 2022 olympic and paralympic winter games sustainable development report. the international olympic committee highly affirmed the two reports and simultaneously released the international versions. with big air shougang gracing the cover, the beijing 2022 olympic and paralympic winter games heritage report (post-competition) introduces the post-competition utilization of shougang’s heritage sites in its fourth chapter, "continuing to play a leading role in the olympic games and promoting the high-quality development of the host city". as one of a series of activities held to mark the first anniversary, the themed exhibition "brilliant winter olympic games" and mass ice and snow sports carnival will be held at big air shougang and the shougang ice hockey hall.

from the 2008 summer olympic games to the 2022 winter olympic games, beijing has become the first "dual olympic city" in history, and shougang has become an "enterprise participating in the construction of both the summer and winter olympic games" by virtue of being attached to the games twice. looking back on the arduous task of providing the service guarantee for the winter olympic games, shougang deployed the strength of the whole group and handed in an excellent answer sheet as a "dual olympic enterprise" with high responsibility.

in order to do a good job providing the service guarantee for the launch ceremony, the shougang group party committee attached great importance to it, started ahead of schedule and made detailed plans and overall arrangements. shougang construction investment took the lead in organizing the personnel of relevant units to troubleshoot and sort out systems such as the power supply, weak current, air conditioning, dehumidification and fire water supply and drainage in the ice hockey hall many times, and inspect and monitor them at any time to ensure their stable operation. shougang park service, shougang construction, liugonghui and other units actively did a good job in coordination with higher authorities, site construction, security, transportation, project handover and inspection, property services, conference services, vip services, parking lot management and other related work in strict accordance with the requirements and time limits, as well as carrying out many drills and making every effort to ensure the success of the launch ceremony.

according to the unified arrangements of the sponsor, seven young volunteers from shougang participated in the service guarantee work of the launch ceremony, and were mainly responsible for the guidance and reception of honored guests in the hall, showing the world the style of shougang youths once again.

guo xi, a five-star volunteer in beijing and a member of the shougang project, said with emotion, "i’m very excited to wear the volunteer uniform of the beijing winter olympic games again! beijing is the only ‘dual olympic city’. i’m very proud to have participated as a volunteer twice. volunteer service is deeply engraved in my heart. serving the people and the whole of society is my motto. let's cheer together in the post-winter olympics era!"

jiang meng, an advanced individual in shougang's service guarantee work for the beijing 2022 olympic and paralympic winter games from shougang environment, said, "i’m very excited, proud and delighted to participate in these live activities to mark the first anniversary of the winter olympic games today. it’s been a year since my experience of serving the winter olympic games, which will be with me my whole life. the pulse of the winter olympic games has always had the same frequency as ours, and the olympic spirit will always be with us."

shougang ice hockey hall was reconstructed and expanded from the dispatching room workshop building of the original coal truck station. the venue construction, ice-making process and various facilities reached international first-class standards. many large-scale major sports events such as the opening ceremony of the china-finland winter sports year and the world's top ice hockey league have been held here. as a professional and advanced ice hockey hall in china, the audience area is equipped with fixed and movable seats. various functions such as the hosting of ice hockey, basketball, commercial performances and press releases can be realized through the rapid transformation of the venue, truly revitalizing and utilizing it in the post-winter olympics era. it is an excellent venue for the comprehensive utilization mode of "events activities".

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